(I write as inspired by the Holy Spirit.)
Our societies need urgent genetic renewal. Evil tendencies is so rife now that even Churches are closing down because of the onslaught of false brethren.
Our society utterly rejects God, and godly leadership, so we keep getting the "Philistines" as a form of punishment. We pray, but not for or in righteousness, but that our bellies be full, and our ambitions be met. So, I hear Him say, as in the Book of Judges, the people will suffer judgement if they continue in their apostasy and false worship. God has withheld His anointed leaders until the people cry and groan in true repentance. Any leader going out before this set time goes in his power and will fail. Such have offered a "strange" sacrifice before the Holy God. The people must first turn from wickedness before He will allow the righteous to rule. God will not be mocked.
The Church has failed in letting people know the mind of God. Instead, we have taught personal empowerment, and Christians have grown to think selfishly, evidenced in rivalry, envying, and power/struggles, intellectualism, boastfulness and pride.
God is not pleased with us. And we should be careful not to "ask for a king", and reluctantly get a Saul who will fail. Rather, let God call and anoint David of His own will, and Goliath in Nigeria will tumble under His judgement.
Let the set men prepare "in the secret place" of the most high, for I have seen the "Prince of Nigeria", and only those who have been given the power over his "head" shall overcome. Hear Him, only those with the "weapons" of heavenly warfare shall overcome.
The Lord has rejected the proud, yes he has rejected them, and also those who have not given glory to his name in the great congregation, but taken the "chariots" of their own power. They will fail, and may expire, if they continue in their folly.
God has power over the nations, He made them, He will lift up as he wills, and will also make many to fall, even the anointed. Let all men humble themselves before His glory. The just shall rule.
Let the wise hear and obey.
Jesus is Lord.